Venerdì sono stato allo shopville di le Gru a Torino per fare un po' di shopping, e mentre giravo mi sono imbattuto in una mosta di "fenomeni" umani, riprodotti in silicone (o cera... non ho controllato).
Cominciava con una donna di una tribù africana con il collo lungo 40 cm, poi una diva americana i quali seni pesavano 3 Kg l'uno, ... fino ad arrivare a gente che aveva una testa sopra l'altra (riusciva a muovere le labbra della testa di sopra, ma non riusciva a parlare... O_o ?!?!)
Insomma stranezze assurde che ho potuto documentare con la macchina fotografica e che, naturalmente, vi esporrò quì!
Sono tutti nel guinnes dei primati... io non ho mai letto quel libro, ma ora sta cominciando a incuriosirmi quello che potrei trovarci dentro :S
Le immagini che vedete di seguito sono grosse e non le ho volute rimpicciolire in modo che non si perdano i dettagli ;)

From left to right:
- the african woman with a 40 cm long neck
- the american diva with 3 Kg per breast
- the most heavy man (i don't remember the weight, but seems about 400-500 Kg!!)
- the man who can put a VHS in his mouth (he dropped out his teeth to do it -_-"... mad!)
- the biggest feet man (about 46 USA point ~ 78 EUR point O_O)
- the most ugly woman in the world (even if ugly she had sons and husbands!! could be a consolation for all those who says they don't find nobody because of their ugliness ;)

- one of the men that can twist his head of 180° without moving his shoulders!!! (and staying alive!!!!!)
- the Crab-Man!

- the smallest woman in the world, about 61 cm tall... (i don't wonder why she died at 19 years old)
- the tallest man in the world, about 272 cm
- Half-man... in the paper was written "an optimistic man, funny and friendly"... he must have found a great life-philosophy!
- Piggyface girl. She was married and with many admirators!!!! (but she had a real piggy face)

- double man. The man on this trunk was alive, but menomated, he was able only to change his expressions and move his arms...
- vampire man: this was a creation of illminds... it's said that some men took childs from the street and transformed them so that they seemed vampires to use them into circus ... ill and damned minds >:(
- half separated sisters: chinese sisters indipendent form the trunks to the heads, but with same hip and legs...
- Owleye man... he was able to rotate the eyes of 180° :S
- ...
hey, sorry... i will finish the descriptions another day... i'm getting bored of doing it all today ^^"
No es impresionante? Esto me llama a la mente la teorìa de X-Men, pero no tan en sentido positivo... es decir, lo que hemos visto en estas fotos no son propriamente "super hombres"... a lo mas se puede decir que son hombres fuera de lo comun!